I then realized i would take it a step further. I would bike to the train station and then bike to work from there... Brilliant. I would be saving gas and lowering my expenses significantly. Mind you i do drive approx 26 miles to work. which is not a lot compared to other people coming in from the I.E. but i want to cut my cost where i can and get exercise at the same time.
So i got back from my trip in Mexico on the 31st and i happened to be working the next day and i was all pumped up to ride the train. I get up earlier then normal get things ready and hop on my bike toward the train station. I pull up to the train station with plenty of time before the train arrives and i am thinking "this is a great idea!" i go to buy my ticket at the kiosk and i see a piece of paper stating the train will not be operating on Sept 1st in observance of Labor day.
DOH!!! i am an idiot, of course the trains aren't going to be running on labor day, But i failed to look on line to see what holidays it wasn't running. So i hung my head and rode the 3 miles back to my house where i proceeded to take my car to work that morning... The bright side of this story is that there wasn't any traffic on the way to work :)

To continue the story that same day i went running on the tredmil and i had to stop because my lower back was killing me. I blame it on that beat up bike i was riding. I proceeded to research road bikes and i found one the Cannondale CAAD 9. It is freaking sweet, it put me back a pretty penny but it is all worth it.