I was at the Angel game last night and don't get me wrong the Angels didn't hit very well against the fat man CC Sabathia and we lost 10-1 to the Yankees, but there were some outright missed calls at the game that I could have called from the upper deck
Example 1
Example 2
I couldn't find video of it but there was another missed a call on Swisher (NY) getting back to second base when Aybar (Angels) clearly had the ball and tagged him out before he made it back to second

See how the ball is basically in the hands of Aybar
and how far away Swisher is from the bag.
I mean c'mon!

here is another one
Another missed call by the guy pictured below was when a player from the yankees did not tag up properly before the ball was caught and New York scored off that play
If you need clarification on what "Tagging Up" means look here
I (like most other people) tend to complain when things don't go the way I would like them to go so I have to distract myself without bad the Angels played with something else... like this guy

Tim McClelland
The Umpire that missed the two calls at third base
The Angels played pretty poorly and like I said above we could not hit against the fat man CC Sabathia. That guy is huge!

Just kidding this is really him