Yes it is me, i have given in to the peer pressure and have found the time to...BLOG!!
But that is just it, what do i actually blog about, do people really have interest in what i have to say. For those who are not actively in communication with me i will let you know i started a new job. Well it is my career, my dream i have made another step closer to being locked in with the fire dept. 4 years of testing, applications, schooling, training, close calls, long drives and tons and tons of support from my family and friends. I could have never even dreamed about obtaining my dreams without that support. So i guess this is a thank you blog.
I got a job with the Los Angeles County Fire Department and i am currently in the academy that they hold before we start working at a particular station. It is 5 months of rigorous training.
My day starts at 430 with my alarm i then carpool with an "interesting fellow recruit" up to Pomona. The East County Training Center a.k.a "The Grinder" We set everything up for the day and we are ready for physical training by 630. We stretch and then we go on a run or workout on the gym. We then have time to get ready in the locker room and we are dressed and ready for inspection by 8 0r 830. After being scrupulously looked over with a fine toothed comb we go to work. 8 hours of on your feet pulling hose, throwing ladders, putting on SCBA's and tying knots. Oh yeah we get an hours for lunch. One week i think i lost 12 pounds but i think me not eating a lot the day before i weighed myself didn't help the cause. In other word i am exhausted especially after fighting traffic for an hour on the way home. I usually have time to make my lunch, shine my boots, and study and i am in bed by 9. Then it starts all over again. I am lucky cause we have wed and sun off sat are a half day. After a month of this my body has gotten more used to the abuse that it gets put through everyday.
I can't wait till graduation
1 comment:
welcome back to the blogging community. was that so hard? ;)
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