I look at this heading and a rush of memories flow through my brain. Memories of fighting, sleeping, getting too close to one's side of the seat in the car, the constant bathroom stops delaying our final destination, numerous highway rest stops and the interesting people you see there, and not to mention the smell. I have been on a lot of road trips with my family but this summer was the mother of them all. Two weeks in a car with 5 grown adults sounds fun huh.

Mt. Rushmore one of our first stops
It was pretty amazing to see that great monument. As we drove up through Colorado and Wyoming to get to this "in the middle of nowhere" spot we passed various fireworks stores and soon realized that if you want to get high quality, Mexican style fireworks in the Midwest.... you go to Wyoming.
Mt Rushmore is right outside of the small town of Keystone in the Black Hills of South Dakota. We stayed in a town by the name of Custer, after General Custer for all you history buffs. When we drove up to the monument we took the road up the back of the mountain and as we came around the corner I was surprised how small it looked. In the movies they make it look huge because of those killer close ups and special effects Those thoughts we squashed as we walked up closer to the monument and realized that the faces we huge. It is sad what Hollywood has done to our perception.
I loved Mt Rushmore it was amazing to see it up close and personal and to learn about how it came to fruition. My favorite part was the lighting ceremony at night where they light up the faces and have a video presentation on a stage below the monument. At the end the guard asked if all people in the audience retired and actively serving in all branches of the US Armed Forces would come down on stage and help fold the American flag. As they stood there the crowed rose and sang the national anthem and then we just stood there clapping for at least 5 minutes it was pretty amazing. I am glad I got to be a part of that and thank all those men and women who fight for our country